
Bro, Country Living …

Bro, stop fantasizing about country life! Bro, I know you dream of having a farm for you and your family. And having a well. And having chickens and goats. And eating clean healthy food that you grow yourself and trade at farmers markets. I know you dream of having a bigger family and having a place …

Eggs bro, seriously...

Bro you see this bro? You see the blue checks? That means it is fact-checked bro, you gotta believe it, it’s real. Eggs, you gotta stop drinking raw eggs for your weight-lifting gains bro… eggs are expensive, you gotta do your part bro

Bro, climate change …

See!? I’ve told you so many times bro, climate change is really serious. I know it was global cooling and acid rain in the past, but that’s when we knew less about it. Now we know better and we also see how it is effecting hearts bro.

Traffic Accidents, Don't …

Come on, please… you gotta go get it man. Bro, SEE!? I told you you need to take this seriously bro, you gotta go get it bro. That fender bender you almost got into recently, that was cuz you arent taking this seriously bro, come on , you have to.

Extreme Hot & Cold

Extreme hot and cold… Bro, you gotta take time to transition between being inside and outside. There is a study. It is science. Come on please.

GoogleTrends = …

Ignore Google Trends bro. It’s important not to do your own “homework” and “critical thinking” remember? Ignore the Google Trends for “myocarditis” that skyrocketed in 2021 bro….you are just fear mongering by sharing that. And before you say anything, …

Why Did You Send Me This?

Come on, why did you send this to me? Come on bro, why did you send me this article bro? Kids have heart attacks all the time bro, there is totally nothing abnormal here. Stop trying to fear-monger bro, you know that can make medicines not work bro, you saw that NIH paper…fear-mongering can …

Exercise increases …

Great news bro… Come one, please go get it bro, cuz there is some great news. Exercise increases the effectiveness. This isn’t the same thing you were saying a while back about how mostly unhealthy people were at risk. This is different. Cuz it is CNBC. A trusted source that …

Broccoli and …

I know you’re keto and low-carb but come on, please, you gotta go get it. i know you’re high protein and you mostly eat chicken breast and broccoli but you have to cut the broccoli and raspberries! you gotta stop bro you can actually get sick from it bro and I know you didnt, do the …

More deaths is not an …

Don’t even try it bro. Come on, please bro, don’t use this an excuse. Just because more people with it are dying than without it, you shouldnt use that for an excuse

Air causes heart-attacks

See bro!? I told you to wear a mask! Come on bro, please just wear a mask! they finally found the source of all the heart attacks….it’s Tiny Particles in the Air that cause it bro….it makes sense bro, kinda like a vaccum cleaner can get clogged, your heart can get clogged if the …

Sex causes asthma …

Bro, you gotta lay off sex with your wife, it might kill you bro, seriously bro….it’s not caused by anything else. The rise in sex-based asthma attacks is increasing not because of the thing you are probably thinking bro. Come on, please stop having sex with your wife bro, it could kill …

Babies get heart problems …

Bro, did you wife eat eggs during her pregnancy? Did you know high cholesterol foods that were otherwise recommended for pregnant women for their healthy fats are now causing heart problems in children? It definitely isn’t anything else bro. I know what you’re thinking, and you gotta …


Come on, please, I think I figured it out: Bro, I think it might be tennis, tennis might be causing all these heart attacks bro

Video Games...AGAIN!

Come on, please STOP playing videogames: Bro, YOU GOTTA STOP IT WITH THE VIDEO GAMES WITH YOUR KIDS….SERIOUSLY THIS TIME! I wont let you put your children at risk!

Bro, climate change …

Come on, please…climate change is causing spontaneous deaths. Seriously bro, it’s real science bro, stop laughing. Climate change is really causing people to randomly drop dead bro, it isn’t anything else bro, stop laughing, it ISNT FUNNY BRO!

Video Games

Come on, please, STOP PLAYING VIDEO GAMES: BRO!!!!! You gotta stop playing video games with your kids! Turns out they can cause heart attacks! Seriously bro, it isnt anything else just video games! Why do you not take me seriously bro, I try to show you the proof you just dont wanna read the …

Mysterious Preganancy …

Bro, did you hear about all these pregnancy complications…..totally weird! no one knows why dude! the science hasnt had a chance to catch up to this mystery….i hope the science will change soon so we can finally understand what is going on here… totally couldnt be that thing …

Irregular Heartbeats

Come on, please bro. I know “irregular heartbeats” sounds more like a consequence than a causation, but stop thinking critically so much. The science is decided. Bro, see? it is just irregular heart beats man, people just dying cuz of that bro, it has nothing to do with anything else. …


Come on, please stop eating fruit . ESPECIALLY grapefruit. I’ll save you from reading the article bro. It’s grapefruit. I know people have been suggesting it as a healthy breakfast food for decades, but the science has changed. Come on bro, it’s really serious, you gotta stop …

Herbal Supplements

Come on, please bro. you gotta stop taking echinacea, rose hips, St Johns wart, and the valerian to help you sleep bro…..all those herbal supplements that you take are gonna give you heart problems bro, seriously…. why are you trying to hide your laughter bro? I am SO SERIOUS…i …

Scare Tactics Cause …

Bro, i have been hesitant to use the word bro, but now we know the reason, check out this paper on a main government website bro. The reason for all the heart attacks and stroke in the medicated people is because the non-medicated people wont take the medicine bro. The non-medicated scare tactics …

Extreme Weather bro...

More weather! See? See, i keep telling you about how weather effects things, look. It’s ABC bro. Why are you ignoring me? Heart disease is being caused by the weather. It’s not absurd bro, it’s science.

Young Athletes

Come on, please, warn your family. Bro, you gotta tell your little brother to quit the sportsball team, he is totally at risk bro. You gotta take is seriously bro, it’s not cuz of what you think it is, it is cuz of the sportsball and the athleteing. Being an athlete is totally bad for your …

Joy causes heartattacks

Come on, please bro, calm down you see this article, it’s real bro, you can die of happiness bro….it isnt anything else you might be thinking….totally real bro, you gotta take it seriously

Black Tea

Come on, please stop drinking tea . Come on bro, seriously bro, lay off the black tea bro, it could cause blood clots bro, seriously! I know black tea is supposed to prevent strokes and blood clots, and I know people have been drinking it for thousands of years but the new science is out bro and it …

Sleep position

come on, sleep different bro Bro, you gotta be careful how you sleep bro, it totally causes strokes and blood clots bro, it isnt anything else bro, it is real bro, you gotta heed the warning bro, dont fall asleep sitting upright bro…all those times on trains and planes you fall asleep, that …

Soil. Gardening.

Come on please, you gotta lay off the gardening. I know you grow your own fruits and vegetables to eat because you think that is healthier, but it isn’t. The science has now found that working in your soil is causing more than usual heart attacks. It isn’t the other thing you always …

Mystery Syndrome

Come on please bro, it totally isnt what you think it is, the scientists are completely stymied bro, it is no joke, you gotta take it serious bro, why are you smirking? The scientists are so bewildered by this mysterious death of healthy young people that they are going to make a …