
Athletes die all the time …

There’s nothing odd here https://washingtonengager.com/2023/10/1400-athletes-have-died Bro ok maybe something is up with the athletes. But no, wait a minute bro, people die everyday, there’s nothing to this bro….so what if the deaths were cardiac events shortly after vaccination, …

Australia bro!

Why would they say this bro? Bro, I probably shouldnt be sending you THIS VIDEO but I know you were extremely harsh on how Australia was treating its citizens during the pandemic. This is a mainstream Australian news outlet. See? There are even people like you on their news, so that shows you that …

More Evidence It's …

See bro? I told you, it’s the Exercise! See bro, you gotta just go get the medicine and stop trying to exercise UNLESS you get your vaccine then exercise is good. Otherwise remember, I told you that doing exercise doubles your risk of heart disease. You exercise as if your immune system gets …