
Joy causes heartattacks

Come on, please bro, calm down you see this article, it’s real bro, you can die of happiness bro….it isnt anything else you might be thinking….totally real bro, you gotta take it seriously

Black Tea

Come on, please stop drinking tea . Come on bro, seriously bro, lay off the black tea bro, it could cause blood clots bro, seriously! I know black tea is supposed to prevent strokes and blood clots, and I know people have been drinking it for thousands of years but the new science is out bro and it …

Sleep position

come on, sleep different bro Bro, you gotta be careful how you sleep bro, it totally causes strokes and blood clots bro, it isnt anything else bro, it is real bro, you gotta heed the warning bro, dont fall asleep sitting upright bro…all those times on trains and planes you fall asleep, that …

Soil. Gardening.

Come on please, you gotta lay off the gardening. I know you grow your own fruits and vegetables to eat because you think that is healthier, but it isn’t. The science has now found that working in your soil is causing more than usual heart attacks. It isn’t the other thing you always …

Mystery Syndrome

Come on please bro, it totally isnt what you think it is, the scientists are completely stymied bro, it is no joke, you gotta take it serious bro, why are you smirking? The scientists are so bewildered by this mysterious death of healthy young people that they are going to make a …

SADS (Sudden Adult Death …

Come on, please, SADS is real. Come on Bro, Sudden Adult Death Syndrome is totally a thing bro, you gotta believe me bro, people are dying bro, it has nothing to do with the stuff you think it is about bro

Kids Have Strokes Too!

Come on, please understand May is pediatriatric stroke awareness montha and it is more common than people thing bro you gotta take it seriously, it has nothing to do with other things for real. Please trust the science. The timing of this is just coincidental.

Younger And Younger …

Come on, please take this seriously. It’s a reputable source. Seriously bro, blood clots are happening in younger and younger people, it is totally mysterious bro we have no idea why bro….you gotta take it seriously.

Younger people can have …

Come on, please bro it’s true. Younger people can have heart attacks too bro, it says here in this article. We have known about this for a while now, and you are just fixated on this cuz of what’s happening. It’s nothing bro…even if it is increasing that doesn’t mean …

Energy Bills

Come on PLEASE DONT OPEN YOUR MAIL! Bro, Energy bills are causing more heart attacks and strokes bro

Drinking Alcohol

Come on please bro I cant go to the pub. Bro, I think we need to skip the drinks tonight, I read that even the recommended amounts of alcohol can actually cause you to have heart attacks now bro….stop snickering and covering your mouth bro, i know you are laughing at me, and it’s cuz …

Skipping breakfast

Come on please don’t skip breakfast Bro, you gotta remember to not skip breakfast cuz that can increase your risk of heart attack bro, trust me it isnt funny, stop laughing bro, you always laugh at me when I warn you bro Look there are TONS of articles on this stuff bro, you just dont like …

Binge Watching

“Bro after you watch tv you totally need to do some exercise cuz bingewatching can cause spontaneous heart attacks bro”

Christmas Trees

Come on, please be careful around Christmas Trees. “Bro, Christmas-tree syndrome is causing heart attacks, and so is ‘too much freedom’ from the end of the lockdowns bro, that is causing the heart attacks, trust me bro, it isnt stuff you think ok….”

Too Much Freedom

Come on, please be careful with your post-lockdown freedom. “Bro, Christmas-tree syndrome is causing heart attacks, and so is ‘too much freedom’ from the end of the lockdowns bro, that is causing the heart attacks, trust me bro, it isnt stuff you think ok….”

Cold Weather

Cold weather bro! Bro, Cold Weather can cause heart attacks too bro, so bundle up when it starts getting cold again bro, why are you laughing? Take it seriously bro, and dont forget your mask bro, you need to trust the science bro.

Post Pandemic Stress

PPSD (Post Pandemic Stress Disorder) It has a name now, the science has given it a name. Bro it is just post-pandemic stress bro, seriously, this is serious stuff bro, it isnt anything else, just post-pandemic stress

Less likely that any …

You gotta … See? Check this out bro, you gotta go get it because people who do are less likely to die from ANY OTHER CAUSE. It’s science and statistics bro, you keep following all that misinformation but you ignore the clear science. Look at that guy’s face bro, doesn’t he …

Climate change

Come on, please, it’s a terrifying new phenomenon. Bro, it totally isnt what you think it is, the scientists are completely stymied bro, it is no joke, you gotta take it serious bro, why are you smirking? The scientists are so bewildered by this mysterious death of healthy young people that …

Ignore Your Instincts

Don’t Follow your gut

Don't Go Down the Rabbit …

See bro? Come on, I told you not to use critical thinking. Critical thinking (the way we are taught) is not good for public health. Come on, please bro, just do what they ask you to do. Just follow along with the stuff in the corporate press and legacy media. Come on, please just trust the science …

Winter V@gina

Come on, please help me warn women bro. We have to warn them. Seriously bro, i know a girl that got ‘winter vagina’ from the cold also bro, it isnt funny, also it can cause heart attacks, it isnt what you might think bro, seriously you gotta believe me.

Don't Do Your Own …

Come on, please bro, I told you it isn’t safe to do your own research! I know you are a scientist, but not this kind of science. No one, not even scientists should do their own research. You have to TRUST the science not try to do the science. Nevermind that science itself is the practice of …